President of the Conference
Prof. Abdel Wahab Ezzat
President of Ain Shams University
Creativity ... Innovation ... Industry ... steps to achieve progress and development, therefore Ain Shams University preferred to organize its eighth international conference under this slogan, especially as it includes a group of creators and pioneers of science. The university works to provide the suitable environment for them to be able to innovate and develop their creations and ideas, and to reach a leading industry that competes with and even surpasses global industries, while contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals set by the State.

Vice President & Executive Conference Head
Prof. Abdel Nasser Sengab
Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research
Creativity is the road to development and progress. As a result, Ain Shams University is organizing its eighth international conference under the theme of creativity, innovation, industry. The University is working to build bright, creative minds that work together to achieve innovations that can create truly successful solutions to society's problems, create an industry that brings together these talents, and creates jobs for young people.

Professor of Psychiatry
Prof. Ahmed Okasha
One of the genius sons of Ain Shams University… He has made outstanding contributions in psychiatry field until he became the most famous psychiatrist in the Arab world. He has been credited with introducing the Department of Psychiatry in medical schools in Egypt since 1964, not only in this way, but also in the effort to remove the social stigma of the psychological patient, which made it worthy of recognition and appreciation. Ain Shams University awards him an honorary doctorate at its eighth scientific conference, recognizing his efforts and proud to present a lecture on his latest scientific contributions during the conference.